PRP Association Membership

The PRP Association, Inc. is a volunteer organization dedicated to protecting and preserving Pine River Pond and its watershed, and to serving the lake community.

Taking the Plunge

Why Become a Member?

The investment in your lake property is no small matter. Protecting what impacts your investment, like water quality and our watershed, is an essential part of preserving and managing your investment. As road associations make sure your road access is taken care of, we are stewards of what makes your shoreline and waterfront access so valuable. The PRP Association keeps you informed of local and state issues related to our mission on behalf of the PRP lake community. From water quality monitoring, to invasive species concerns, to the damaging impacts of erosion, we advocate collectively on behalf of the PRP community.

Being a Regular Member also means you’re eligible to vote on important matters that are of utmost importance relating to PRP. Regular Members are also extended the courtesy to use the private property of the neighboring Pine River Association’s (PRA) access point on Lord Road to launch and retrieve your watercraft. A yearly fee is required to help with the maintenance and repair of the ramp.

Who Can Become a Member?

Any property owner(s) of record paying property taxes to the Town of Wakefield for parcels of land with deeded water rights to Pine River Pond are eligible for Regular Membership, except that an entity, such as a mortgage holder, shall not be eligible for a membership. Any person who does not fall into the aforementioned category, and wants to become a PRP Association member may do so as an Associate Member (e.g., adult children of a property owner). Associate Members are not entitled to vote, and are not eligible to use the PRA access point on Lord Road.

How Do I Join PRP Association?

Complete the membership form and send it with your payment to the address on the form, or bring the form to the PRP Store to pay by cash, check or credit card.

Thank you to our 2024 members:

Amanti, Tom & Dottie

Anderman, Jon & Erin

Anderson, Carol

Anderson, Richard & Maryann

Anglin, Raymond & Jo-Ann Sanchez

Armata, Robert & Nikki

Atwater, Rick

Atwood, Don, Brian & Scott

Auclair, Nate & Kristina

Avina, Juan & Bethany

Banatt, Bruce & Sharon

Baranowski, Conrad & Svetlana Kozlova

Barbuzza, Paul & Patty

Barkhouse, Jeff & Greg Holloway

Barry, Tom & Ingrid

Beach, Lisa & Bryant

Beaumont, Pamela

Bell, Jack & Ann

Berger, Andy & Erin

Bernard, Michael & Shannon

Berry, Henry & Eileen Tobin

Bintz, Bill & Amy

Bird, John & Sharon

Bisson, Gary & Cecile

Bitomski, Ted & Linda

Bloom, Glenn & Amy

Bobbitt, Scott & Heather

Bockman, Joe & Judy Joslin

Bogacz, Andrew & Tracy

Boyle, Mariah

Brienze, Philip & Vera Larsen

Brown, Robert & Karen

Brutsch, Carol

Bryant, Lois

Burkam, Amy & Wendy Graham

Buswell, John & Yvonne

Butler, James & Laurie

Cahow, David & Maggie

Cajdric, Mohamed & Stephanie

Call, Maryellen

Capener, John & Jennifer

Carpenito, Michael & Kathie

Carriere, Joe & Lori

Cathcart, June

Chag, Tiffany & Rebecca Beyer

Chalifoux, Steve & Jayme

Chiostri, Richard & Judy

Clapp, Norman & Kathleen

Clarey, Robert & Edie

Clements, Helen & Roy

Cobb, Ken

Coco, Susan & Stephen, Michael

Colello, Stephen & Marcia

Congdon, Judy

Connellan, Tim & Terri

Conner, Elizabeth

Connors, Stan

Cook, Curt & Mary Beth

Cooke, Alan

Cooper, George & Wanda Lee

Cordero, Rick

Cormier, Don & Judy

Correnti, Frank & Marjorie

Corson, William & Patricia

Courtemanche, John & Sue

Covert, Ted & Virginia

Cowdrick, Jim & Leigh

Craig Jr, John & Terry

Creighton, John & Julie Rodgers

Crew, Jeff

Crittenden, Mike & Chris

Croteau, John & Susan

Crowley, Gail


Cyr, Arnold & Barbara, Michael

Czarnecki, James

Dagostino Jr., Frank & Debra

Dailey, John & Christy

Dale, Rick & Barbara

Daniels, Tom & Shelly

Davis, Jim & Carol

Davis, Joanne

DeGuglielmo, Joe & Janet

Dertien, Steve & Alisa

Dery, Ron & Nancy

Dixon, Nathan

Dodge, Donna

Donovan, Brian & Susan O’Connor

Doucet, Alan & Janet

Doyle, Steve & Paula

Drolet, Derek & Donna

Dube, Tom & Susan Hayes

Ducharme, Dick & Darlene

Dunn, Tom & Jane

Elkhay, John & Patty

Ellis, Dar & Linda

Elwell, John & Dianna

Engstrom, Bill & Jennifer Ryan

Fitzmaurice, Marc & Loreal

Fitzpatrick, Jim

Flynn, Paul & Alana

Fox, Jeff & Laura

Frechette, Don

Freitas, Joe & Zoraida

Fryer, Barry & Joyce

Fuller, Todd & Jennifer, Allan

Garber, Alan & Susan

Garofalo, John

Gauthier, Joseph

Gaynor, Rick & Catrina

Gibson, David & Zachary-Trayes

Gilbert, Raymond & Marilyn

Girardin, Sid & Sue

Gladden, Robert & Stephanie

Goldsmith, Roger & Jean

Goldsmith, Tim & Brittany

Golini, Al & Jennifer

Goodwin, Jon & Janey

Grant, Art & Marianne

Gray, Nancy

Gray, Bill & Janet

Green, Joan, Nancy Alpert, Betsy Benoit

Green, Kevin

Greer, Tom & Kellie

Groff, Tim & Gina

Guarente, John & Kimberly Davis

Guiod, Linda

Haley, Teresa & Lindsey Campbell

Hamel, Dan & Courtney

James Thompson & Hampe 6 Trust

Hampe, Carl & Virginia Russell

Hanlon, Ed & Tracey

Harrington, Pater & Amy

Hartwell, Doug & Cindy

Haynes, George & Kathleen

Hayward, Don & Jen

Holman, Chris & Paige

Howell, Tom & Lori Ambrust

Hoyt, Peter & Patricia, Donna Lewis

Hughes, Michael & Elaine, Eric, Scott & Ryan

Humes, Robert & Dawn Foley

Hurlbert, Roy & April

Immerman, Jim & Janice

Jeffery, Ken & Carol

Johansen, William & Patricia

Johnson, Seth & Kayla

Johnson, Peter & Carol

Johnson, Ralph

Johnston, Martha

Jones, Ted & Norma

Kahn, Richard

Kalucki, Steve & Linda

Kane, Margaret Morrison & Catherine Morrison

Kane, Jack & Sandra

Karatzas, Nick & Lu

Karatzas, Evan

Kemmer, Keith

Kemmer, Ben & Rebecca

Kenyon, Penny

Kislak, Nancy

Knight, Kyle, Kara Wrucke & Shelley Donnelly

Knocke, Jim & Ann

Kochan, Tom & Kathy

Kolb, Mark & Tracey

Kratt, Ron & Sally

Krussman, Fritz & Wendy

LaCorte, Fred & Donna

Lanzillo, Ken & Bette

Larsen, Mylene

LaRue, Willian

Lavertue, Larry & Linette

Leader, Jack & Judi Huber

Lee, Pam

Lee, David & Shiva Saboori

Lee Jr., David & Erika

Leger, Lisa

Lehan, Bill & Mimi

Lemery, Jack & Cindy

Lindahl, Fred & Liz

Lister, Adam & Katie

Locke, James & Kristen

Locurto, Leo & Kathleen

Lombara, Stanley

Lombardo, Jessica

Looney, Mark & Rebecca

Lucey, Robert & Priscilla

Luciano, Daniel & Debra

Ludington, Brud & Nellita

Lulsdorf, Tom & Cynthia

Lundgren, Bob & Carol

Lundgren, Scott & Marya

Lynch, Betty

MacDonald, Paul

Madden, Joe & Nancy

Maden, Pam

Maguire, John & Ellen

Mahoney, Tom & Dorothy

Mailhoit, Jill & James Tisbert

Mallard, David & Rhonda

Markland, Tim & Melody Viel

Maroney, Michael & Michelle Watts

Marquis, Nancy

Marrs, Dan & Chris

Martel, Ryan & Sara

Mathews, Jack & Dianne

McCadden, Tom & Laurie

McCahon, Jane

McCarthy, Maureen

McCarthy, Mark & Mary

McClinsey, Sonny & Heather

McKenna, Ralph

McKenzie, Stewart & Cheryl

McKersie, Robert

McLaughlin, Ann & Gregg Martin

McManus, David & Jane

McRobbie, Bonilynn & Jill

Messer, Richard & Linda

Mikonis, Elizabeth & Todd

Miller, Sue & Stephanie Patton

Miller, Denny & Janet

Mills, Andy & Gail

Minor, Randy & Katherine

Mondeau, Tim & Donna

Moores, Doug & Tricia

Morgan, Jessica & Dana Lowell

Morway, Tom & Kristin

Moynahan, Peter

Mulhall, Kevin & Bonita Alferes

Murphey, Brian & Laurie

Murtagh, John & Christine

Myers, John & Gail

Nebbia, David & Arlene

Neureuter, Jed & Maureen

Nichols, Dan & Marilyn

Northrup, Wayne & Mary Kate

Noyes, Bert & Debby

O’Donnell, Charlie & Kathy

O’Leary, Stephen & Linda

Oatis, Bill & Joan

Paige, Scott & Catherine

Parsons, Scott & Barbara

Patten, John & Paulette

Pelonzi, Kenneth & Claudia

Peresada, Gary & Joan

Perez, Miguel & Daniela Chita

Pesaturo, Arthur

Petrino, Wayne & Christine Haney

Petro, Joe & Lisa

Pfeiffer, Chip & Cindy

Philbrook, Guy & Patty

Pinch, Barbara

Place, Glenn & Danielle

Potter, Robin & Michael Stubbs

Power, Kristen Carey & Brendan, Lisa Carey

Pownall, Phyllis

Prior, Howard & Elizabeth

Proulx, Bill

Purtle, Bob & Alyssa Garber

Quimby, Woody & Sharon

Randall, Daryl & Stacy

Regan, Mike & Lisa

Reilly, Matt & Debbi

Reilly, John

Renadette, Mark & Ellen

Revane, Tom & Kathleen

Rich, Chris & Ginny

Richardson, Michael & Christine

Ricker, Steve & Heather

Riley, Michelle

Ring, Steven & Susie

Roy, Ttimm & Carol

Royal, Paul & Bonnie

Ruddy, Anthony & Lisa

Ruping, Vinny & Karen

Russell, Ruth & John Goedeke Jr

Russo, Richard & Marianne, Michael

Ryll, David & Nancy

Rynne, John & Michelle

Saraceno, Michael

Sarty, Jonathan & Sally

Schacht, Don & Cheryl

Schlerf, Steve & Jan

Schuler, Frank & Kathy

Schweitzer, Dave & Ginny

Schweizer, Del, Bill Sparhawk, Toni Bora

Seeber-Wagner, Barbara

Sheehan Jr., Philip & Lisa, Sue Saulnier

Skubisz, Mikę & Kelly

Smith, Jan

Smith, Roger & Marie

Smith, Jeff & Joanne

Snowdale, Ryan & Kelly

Sopp, Ed & Keide

St Laurent, Roger & Dana

Standley, David & Dolly Standley

Stanley, John & Amy

Starkey, Rick & Emily

Stewart, Brian

Stewart, David & Jacqueline Bressers

Stewart, Doug & Carlene

Stewart, Don & Rosemary, Chris

Stier, Ron & Audrey

Sullivan, Walter & Joan, Colleen & John

Sullivan, John & Laurie

Swift, David & Kerri

Tetreau, Al & Cyndi, D Roger & Leslie RK

Tibbetts, Beatrice

Torsey, Tina

Trabucco, Paul & Karen

Train, Kevin & Ariane

Tsakiris, Dennis & Donna

Tsao, David & Susan

Turk, Jeff & Barbara

Tuttle, Terri

Twombly, James & Jean Anne

Valenti, Phil &Sue, Marti Swift

Vasquez, Martin & Ann

Vautrin, Deb

Visockis, Victor & Grace

Vreeland, Kathryn & Jonathan Eld

Wagenfeld, Barrie

Waghorne, Carol

Waleik, Chuck & Joanne

Walsh, Debera

Waltz, Jeffrey & Rebecca

Ward, John

Ward, Mike & Suzanne Downs

Webster, Jack & Cynthia

Wensley, Natalie

White, Ron & Rachel

Wilkins, Janet

Wills, Gerald & Mary

Wilson, Rick & Colleen

Winkley, Steven & Carol

Wirth, Debora

Wolfe, Skip & Dolly

Wolfgram, John & Adin

Wons, Peter & Jean

Wood, Patrick & Chantale Marchand