Located in the Town of Wakefield, NH, within Carroll County, Pine River Pond is a 570 acre pond sitting at the headwaters of Pine River, which flows northwest into Ossipee Lake. PRP is about 3.6 miles in length and 0.6 miles at it widest with about 12.2 miles of shoreline, and is about 55 feet at its deepest spot.
The water level is controlled by the Arthur Fox Dam originally built in the 1920’s and rebuilt to its current structure in 1977. The dam is owned and maintained by the State of NH, and the yearly drawdown is approximately 8 feet to Pine River Pond’s natural high water mark.
Pine River Pond is part of the Saco Watershed whose headwaters flow from the White Mountains of NH to the Biddeford/Saco, ME area, and empty into the Gulf of Maine. The PRP Association participates in the NH Lay Lakes Monitoring Program, and water quality reports can be found at here.